What is AppointBee?
AppointBee is a Smart Appointment Booking Platform operated in a professional business website that best fits any type of niche and works across all devices. Before purchasing the product, read this AppointBee Review to learn all of the details that will help you understand how important it is for your business.
It includes an Extensive Client Finder to search for websites that lack an appointment system. AppointBee comes with an agency license, so you can create appointment booking websites for any local businesses to help you get tonnes of appointments using AppointBee.
Packed with great features to help you land Appointments and generate more Leads, Sales, and Profit. Easy 5-minute setup to increase appointment bookings and reduce cancellations!
Why do you need AppointBee?
Local business owners are being killed by outdated booking systems. Local business owners are paying call centers thousands of dollars per month to take reservations for them, and it’s not working. Contact Forms are also ineffective.
Customers, on the other hand, must think about what to say, wait for an email response, and then communicate with the secretary via email before making a booking. After all of this, customers fail to appear. This results in significant losses for the local business owner.
All of these issues can be solved in just 5 minutes with AppointBee. By providing a fully optimized, hands-free appointment booking system to local business owners.
AppointBee gives you the ability to quickly double any local business’s bookings and customers.
And charge them a monthly recurring, one-time fee in hundreds of dollars. Alternatively, you could simply act as an appointment booking agency for various businesses.
Names – Harshal Jadhav and Nakul Niwaskar.
Harshal Jadhav is the CEO & Founder of Rack Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Nakul Niwaskar is the CTO & Co-Founder of EngageLeads. They have a combined marketing experience of 22 years. AppointBee was created with their vast experience to produce massive results.
Their few previous good products are Vidpresent, Videogamesuite enterprise, Quiztarget commercial, etc.

WordPress integration:
AppointBee is a WordPress theme and plugin. You can use the simple tutorials to install it as a plugin on your client’s WordPress theme or to add a one-page appointment module to any site’s navigation bar.
AppointBee Review; Features:
- The most user-friendly appointment scheduling system for any local business.
- Clients book appointments in three easy steps.
- Management of Auto Appointments.
- Display All Business Services.
- Integration with Facebook for appointments.
- Customers can book appointments from any device, thanks to the fully responsive design.
- Possibility of collecting upfront payment via PayPal.
- Booking forms can be fully customized to match your brand’s themes.
- Extensive appointment settings.
- Section for Complete Transaction Reports.
- Appointments can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.
- SMS and email appointment reminders ensure that no appointments are missed.
- Accept appointments for a variety of services.
- Manage a large number of service providers or resources.
- Integration with Google Calendar.
- Maintain work hours for Vendors.
- Appointments are never overlapping or never double booked.
- Capture and link customer leads to autoresponders.
- Establish business vacation days.
- The options panel allows for simple customization.
- Clients can see all of their scheduled appointments at a glance on the backend appointment calendar and list, allowing them to better manage their time.
AppointBee Review; Benefits:
- Complete Done-For-You Software, no technical knowledge required.
- Perfect service for quickly gaining loyal local clients.
- It only takes a few seconds to set up.
- The most cost-effective and powerful local appointment software, with no monthly fees or hidden booking fees for you as an advisor or local marketing consultant.
- Step-by-step instructions for landing your first client today.
- It’s simple to turn this into a monthly plan for passive income.
- Solves a relevant problem for local business owners.
- Simple push-button system that can be deployed on client sites in minutes.
- It is applicable to all local niches.
- Profit from an untapped local service.
Watch the official demo video below:
Frontend: AppointBee Agency – $47. Create Appointment Booking Websites with the AppointBee WordPress Plugin, and you’ll also receive a Highly Customizable Theme that can be used to build websites for any local niche. In addition, you will receive full training on how to sell appointment booking websites to local businesses and how to sell it as a service. AppointBee Basic – $37. Users will receive a lighter version of AppointBee Agency with fewer features and no Agency rights access. AppointBee Fast Pass – $297. OTO 1: AppointBee Pro – $47/Quarter. AppointBee Pro Pack allows you to create unlimited campaigns and website license packs. With this upgrade, you also get an unlimited number of leads. Leadlock Pro, Facebook Pixel Integration, Google Tag Code Integration, My Convert Lab, AppointBee hosted Quiz URLs, Build Custom Audience Funnels right inside Facebook and Google, and many more features are included. DS1: AppointBee Pro Lite – $67. It is a stripped-down version of the AppointBee Pro pack with fewer features. Comes with 100 campaign creations and only 10 additional templates. This is ideal for those who can manage their show on a limited budget. OTO 2: AppointBee DFY – $97. DS2: AppointBee DFY Lite – $47. OTO 3: AppointBee Whitelabel – $297. DS2: AppointBee Whitelabel Lite – $47. OTO4: DealzPage Agency – $97. AppointBee is a beginner-friendly tool. There are step-by-step training and tutorial videos inside the members’ area. You can quickly and easily set up your profitable Appointment Agency Services for Local Businesses. Only Two Simple steps to get my Bonuses: >> CLICK HERE << or any button above from this review page and purchase “AppointBee”. Your bonuses will be sent to you through JVzoo’s Purchases Dashboard. You will find a button “Access Affiliate Bonus” Inside JVzoo’s Purchases Dashboard next to your Purchased product. If you face any problem accessing Bonuses, just send an email (info@highqualityreview.com) to me. I’ll help you out.Pros:
AppointBee Review; Complete overview:
Product AppointBee Vendor Harshal Jadhav and Nakul Niwaskar Launch date and time Aug 05th @10:00 am EST 2022. FE Price $47 Customer support Excellent Money-back guarantee 30 days Recommendation Highly Recommended Official website >> CLICK HERE << AppointBee Review; Price and upsells:
Vendor bonuses:
AppointBee Review; Conclusion:
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